The boy who cried wolf with moral

 𝗢nce there lived a boy named Sam . He was a naughty boy. Everyday he used to take his sheeps to the hill for grazing green grass

 But he used to get bored by sitting under the tree see the sheeps grazing. 


So one day he decided to do something naughty and set up a plan. 

Next day when he took the sheeps for grazing he shouted from the hill. "wolf !wolf! please help me he is eating sheeps".

So all the villagers came running carrying sticks and axe in their hands but they could not see anymore there they all said in one voice "where is the wolf little boy? "

The boy started laughing" ha !ha! there is no wolf I was just joking"🤣

All The villages looked Sam in angry mood

" you must not make such jokes" they all shouted and went back. 

Next day Sam again shouted "wolf! wolf! please help me"

And all the villagers game running up the hill again but when they so no wolf present there they all said in one voice " you must not make jokes like this we leave our work and come here to save you"

Many days went by and Sam kept shouting like this. 

And one day the wolf really came and Sam climbed up the tree and shouted very high

" wolf wolf wolf please help me please the wolf as really came"

But the villages thought that Sam was joking again and no one went up to see what was happening the wolf took at least half of a sheeps and sam was just sitting on the tree and watching that. 

    𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗹: the liers will never be rewarded even if they say that truth. 

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