Gaganyaan Mission: ISRO Achieves Success in Second Attempt, Launches Rocket at 10 AM | Watch Now

Gaganyaan Mission: ISRO Achieves Success in Second Attempt, Launches Rocket at 10 AM | Watch Now

Following an initial unsuccessful launch of the ISRO TV-D1 rocket connected with India's ambitious Gaganyaan Mission, the space agency promptly resolved the issues and successfully relaunched the rocket just 45 minutes later.

The Test Vehicle, carrying payloads related to the Gaganyaan human space flight program, blasted off at 10 am on Saturday, marking a significant achievement for the Indian space agency.

ISRO Chairman S. Somanath expressed his elation over the triumphant launch, stating, "I am very pleased to announce the successful completion of the Gaganyaan TV-D1 mission."

In a post on social media (formerly Twitter), ISRO explained, "The reason for the launch delay has been identified and rectified. The launch is scheduled for 10:00 Hrs today."

The ISRO chief revealed that the initial launch hold was caused by engine ignition issues, which have since been addressed, leading to the successful second launch attempt.

India's Gaganyaan mission signifies a momentous milestone in the nation's efforts to demonstrate its capability to send humans into space.

The Gaganyaan project's vision entails demonstrating human spaceflight capabilities by sending a crew of three members into a 400 km orbit for a 3-day mission, safely returning them to Earth by landing in Indian waters.

This program will propel India into the exclusive group of nations that have conducted manned spaceflight missions, 

alongside the US, Russia, and China. Building on the successes of previous Indian space initiatives, including Chandrayan-3 and Aditya L1, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has set ambitious goals for India's space endeavors.

 These goals include establishing the 'Bharatiya Antariksha Station' (Indian Space Station) by 2035 and sending the first Indian astronaut to the Moon by 2040.

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