Snowwhite and the seven dwarfs full story disney fairytales

Snowwhite and the seven dwarfs.

Once upon a time, in a kingdom not too far away, there lived a lovely princess named Snow White. She wasn't just your run-of-the-mill princess;

 she had a heart as kind as can be, and her spirit was as gentle as a breeze. The problem? Her stepmother, the Queen, was a bit too obsessed with being the fairest of them all.

Snowwhite and the seven dwarfs full story disney fairytales

One fine day, the Queen asked her trusty magic mirror who the fairest in the land was.

 To her dismay, the mirror spilled the beans – it was Snow. Well, you can imagine the Queen wasn't thrilled about that.

Queen: "Mirror on the wall, reveal to me, who is the most beautiful of them all?"

Mirror: "Sorry, Queenie, it's Snow White, hands down."

Fuming with jealousy, the Queen decided to take drastic measures. She ordered a huntsman to do away with Snow White, bring back her heart as evidence. Quite a gruesome task, wouldn't you say?

Snowwhite and the seven dwarfs full story disney fairytales

Huntsman: "Gotta do what the Queen says, right? But hold on a sec, can I really do this?"

As the huntsman raised his dagger, Snow White pleaded for her life. Heart softened, the huntsman let her go, warning her of the Queen's wicked intentions.

Snow (pleading): "Please, spare me! I mean you no harm."

Huntsman: "Run, Snow White, and don't look back. The Queen's out for blood."

Lost in the forest, Snow White stumbled upon a cozy little cottage. The home of seven dwarfs, who, despite their initial surprise, welcomed her with open arms.

Snowwhite and the seven dwarfs full story disney fairytales

Doc: "A princess in our humble abode? Well, this is unexpected."

Grumpy: "Bah! What's she doing here? We don't need trouble."

Yet, against Grumpy's protests, Snow White became fast friends with the dwarfs. She took charge of keeping their cottage in order, and they all lived together in an odd but heartwarming harmony.

Meanwhile, the Queen discovered that Snow White was still breathing. Enraged, she plotted a new scheme involving a poisoned apple. Talk about holding a grudge!

Snowwhite and the seven dwarfs full story disney fairytales

Queen (muttering): "If a heart won't do it, maybe an apple will. Let's see her escape this one."

The Queen, in disguise, tricked Snow  into taking a fateful bite, and our dear princess fell into a deep slumber. It was a real tearjerker for the dwarfs.

Doc: "She can't be gone! What do we do now?"

Grumpy: "Told ya we didn't need trouble. Ugh, this is just great."

But fear not, for a dashing prince entered the scene. Determined to break the curse, he planted a kiss on Snow White's lips, and voilà, she woke up.

Snow (smiling): "Well, that's one way to wake up. Thanks, handsome."

The Queen, however, had her own issues to deal with. Her wicked ways led to her own downfall.

Now, with love conquering all, Snow White, the prince, and the dwarfs lived happily ever after. The kingdom rejoiced, darkness was defeated,

 and questions about the dwarfs' cottage's cleaning schedule were probably answered over a cup of tea. After all, isn't that how these fairy tales go?

Note : it was the first coloured cartoon flim.

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