Doremon and Nobita episode 15 Nobita and the Small Light

 Nobita and the Small Light

(Scene: Nobita is walking home from school, looking sad. He encounters Gian and Suneo.)

Gian: Hey Nobita, did you get another zero on your test?

Suneo: Haha, I bet he did! What a loser!

(Nobita runs home crying and heads straight to his room.)

Nobita: (sobbing) Why are they always so mean to me? I hate this!

(Doraemon enters the room, holding a flyswatter.)

Doraemon: Nobita, you’re always crying! You need to stand up for yourself. Hoo! These mosquitoes are everywhere.

Nobita: (sniffles) I’ve got an idea, Doraemon! What if I trouble them by becoming small? It will be fun! Please, give me a gadget to become small.

Doraemon: (sighs) Fine, Nobita. But remember, this is not a good way to handle things. Here, take the Small Light and the Anywhere Door.

(Doraemon pulls the Small Light and the Anywhere Door from his pocket and hands them to Nobita.)

Nobita: (excited) Thanks, Doraemon! I’ll show them!

Doremon and Nobita episode 15 Nobita and the Small Light

(Nobita uses the Anywhere Door to go to Gian’s house. He sneaks inside and uses the Small Light to shrink himself.)

(Scene: Gian’s house, Gian is alone in his room.)

Nobita: (whispering to himself) This is going to be great!

(Nobita starts pulling small pranks on Gian, making noises and moving objects.)

Gian: (frustrated) What’s going on? Who’s there?

(Gian gets scared and runs out of his room.)

Nobita: (laughs) That was awesome! Now for Suneo.

Doremon and Nobita episode 15 Nobita and the Small Light

(Nobita uses the Anywhere Door to go to Suneo’s house. He sneaks inside and uses the Small Light again.)

(Scene: Suneo’s house, Suneo is watching TV.)

Nobita: (whispering) Time for some fun, Suneo!

(Nobita starts pulling the same pranks on Suneo, making him freak out.)

Suneo: (panicking) What’s happening? Mom! Help!

(Suneo runs out of the room in fear.)

Nobita: (giggling) That was so funny! But… why don’t I feel happy?

(Nobita suddenly feels sad and guilty. He returns home using the Anywhere Door and grows back to his normal size.)

(Scene: Nobita’s room, Doraemon is waiting.)

Doraemon: So, how did it go?

Nobita: (crying) I… I didn’t feel good about it, Doraemon. I scared them, but now I feel terrible.

Doraemon: (sighs sadly) You see, Nobita, causing others pain will never make you feel better. You need to learn to handle things differently. But it seems like you can never change. What can I do?

(Nobita says nothing and starts crying harder. He catches Doraemon and cries into his arms.)

(Doraemon pats Nobita’s back, looking sad and resigned.)

(The episode ends with Nobita crying in Doraemon’s arms, the room quiet and somber.)

(Fade to black.)

(End credits.)

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