The Gold Touch King Midas with moral


This story is for kids and I have uploaded many stories for kids and these are very short and can be learnt easily

By Children's and adults and can be said in the classroom or elsewhere.

It is a good moral story. And is a good bedtime story.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝗧𝗼𝘂𝗰𝗵 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗠i𝗱𝗮𝘀

Hardworking Ants and The lazy Grasshopper Story with Moral

Long, long ago, there was a king name Midas. He was a ruler.

And he was a very very rich man. In his Palace, he had a special room where he kept his gold .

The room was so full of gold that it was hard to go in. But he was a really greedy.

He always wanted more gold he wanted to be the richest man in the whole world.

One day king Midas help an old man.

The old man was please with king Midas kindness.

The old man was actually a satyr.

The satyrs, inhabitants of the woods, possess enchanting abilities. They were known to bestow wishes upon those who aided them in various manners.

The satyr was pleased with Midas I wanted to pay him for the kindness.

So he asked "What do you want king? "

To the king said "I wish that what ever I touch must turn into gold. "

So satyr said " okay then so what ever you touch from now will surely turn into pure gold. "

And then the satyr disappeared. The king was full of joy .

So when he was walking to the palace from the woods .

He tried to test his new power he saw there was a field of unripe 🌽corn.

King Midas said" I can turn this field into gold. "

So when he walked through the fields he touched the blades of corn.

And with a surprise the Blades of corn turned into gold pure gold!

The king was very very happy. He went back to his Palace crying " I can turn anything to gold by my touch. "

He touched the pillars ,the doors everything even the floor of the palace When he Walked In .

Now king Midas was really hungry. So he said the servants to lie the table for him with delicious food.

He sat on a chair but the chair too turn in gold even the table , fork and spoons, the plates and glasses and whatever Else touched became gold.

Servants brought water in jugs, veggies ,fruits🍍🍎🍓🍇 and 🍰 cakes.

When we saw all the food items, his mouth started watering.

So as he poured the water from the jug into his glass. And when he started to drink water it turn into liquid gold.

He was horrified. Then he touched the fruit ,veggies ,cake but everything turn into gold.

And because of it he ate nothing. The foolish king now realised his blunder.

Because the wish that he has asked for had now turn into a curse!

Just then his little daughter came in and hugged her father but the, moment she hugged him she turned into pure gold statue.

Now Midas ran to the woods again and he meet satyr.

He went down to his knees and wept " I don't want this golden touch anymore " he sobbed bitterly.

Satyr felt pity for the 👑king. He told him to go and bath in the river Pactolas.

Midas did as he was told. The water washes away the golden touch from King.

And every things which he touched and had turned in to gold was normal.

And he learned a very well lesson

𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗹: Never be greedy.

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