The adventure of Varun and Dhara

 Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived to kids.

There lived Dhara with her brother Varun. 

There parents died by an accident when the kids were too young. 

So, they lived with there uncle and aunty. 

The uncle was a gentle man but, the aunt was very cruel to the kids. 

And made them do all the house work. And did not gave them proper clothes or food to were or eat. 

So one day the aunty decided to take the children to the Jungle and abandon them there. 

The uncle tried his best to make the aunt change her mind but it not worked. 

But Dhara heard all the plan of the aunty. 

So the next morning ,uncle and aunt took Varun and Dhara to the forest. 

All Night she was thinking of an idea. So she took some Marbles with her.

And she kept dropping Marbles along the path.

So that they can find the way back to home easily. 

Then there reached the jungle. It was getting cold. So the uncle lit a 🔥 fire to be warm.

The uncle told them some stories Till they were fast asleep😴. 

Then the uncle and returned home leaving the two children there. 

So as they woke up in the morning they saw that uncle and aunt when not there. 

They started crying. After sometime, Dhara said " don't you worry I have dropped Some Marbles on the way" . 

So by following the marbles they reached home. 

The aunt was quite surprise and angry to see the two kids back so she treated them more and more badly. 

Then once again the aunt made the same plan to get rid of the kids. 

This time to the girl overheard the plan. 

One day as planned the uncle and the aunt took the children into the forest. 

This time Dhara decided to drop gram on the path. 

So well on reaching the forest they light a fire to warm themselves the uncle spoken very sweetly to them. 

As soon as they slept uncle and aunt left them there in the forest. 

Next morning when they woke up they did not saw there aunt and uncle. 

So Varun started crying then Dhara said "brother they do not like they want to get rid of us that is the reason they leave us in the forest again and again ,but don't worry I dropped some gram along the path come let's go home"

They begin to walk but did not find that trail. 

Because the birds has eaten all the gram early in the morning. 

They Wonder and wonder in the forest which they did not knew at all. 

Finally , they found a little Cottage but there was no one there present. T

hey went inside the Cottage. There a old woman saw the kids. 

She was very bad looking she had long dirty nails 

She locked Varun in a cage and made Dhara do all the work of her house 🏠 . 

Dhara was forced to do as her brother was locked. 

One day, when Dhara was collecting some sticks for the fire 🔥. 

She sat by the the tree and started crying. 

A kind fairy saw her she flew to her and said

"Oh! Dear I know what had happened. I will tell you but you must follow what I say to get free. You know that the women bath with cold water so next morning throw hot water on her she will vanish.

 Then free your brother and pull the cage and dig a little and you may find a box of gold coins and jewelery. 

The key 🔑is under the pillow of the old women. Then take it and rush to the river you will find a swan sit on it and you reach home.


Dhara thanked the fairy. Did what was told she throwed boiling hot water on the women and she vanished. 

She freed her brother Varun and together they pushed the cage. 

And dig a little and found a box and got the key under the pillow. 

And open the box and found gold coins and jewelery in it. 

They took it and rushed to the river and reached the sawn they sat on it and reached home. 

They saw there uncle he was full of joy to see the kids.

He embraced them and uttered, "I've acknowledged my error and asked your aunt to leave the house."
But the children wanted to live with the uncle and aunt.

So they brought the aunt back and the aunt released .

And was very kind to them.

Information :
It is a very good bed time story it is short and with a beautiful moral this story is for kids we hope you like to read it. 

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