The Proud Peacock and The Clever Crane

The story is on a crane and a peacock the peacock is too proud of his tail as it is beautiful and then learns a lesson. It is a short and good story for kids it is also a good bed time story too


The proud peacock and the clever crane.

Long time ago there was a forest 🌲. It was very beautiful and different kinds of animals use to live there. Form a small ant 🐜 to a big elephant🐘.

In this forest there lived a peacock it had gorgeous tail.

So were every ever it went other creatures use to praise him for it.

So the peacock got proud on him.

And that the creatures are to ugly. He h. ardly talked with others.

And is a bird said "hi! ".

The peacock did not answered. And use to walk straight.

So the animals started to call him the proud peacock.

And the peacock mostly liked to show his beautiful features of him.

One day, will he was walking by the river side he saw a crane.

He went to the crane and said " Look at my features they shine with all rainbow colours , your features are so plain, I must be a king. "

So the crane answered " Yes it is true, but yet there's a problem".

Peacock said " What's the problem? ".

Crane responded, "I possess the ability to soar amidst the heights, alongside clouds, stars, and the sun. My flight encompasses them all."  And you can only live on land just like any other cock".

The the peacock learned a lesson. From the on he was never proud of his beauty.

Find feathers do not make fine Birds.

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