The Rose And The Thrones How Did The Thorns Became Bad.


The following story is not true but is interested and whoever reads it child or a adult will like it the story is based on the first rose plant and The plant has horns and flowers on it let's read the story to know further. 


The Rose And The Thrones How Did The Thorns Became Bad.

Long long time ago, there was a plant born in a beautiful forest. 

Every creature and plant were surprised to see that this plant had Thorns and also flowers together on it.

But the plant used to take care of both the flower and the Thorns.

Everyone kept the flowers name Rose as it was very beautiful. Rose was very happy. 

The rose was very kind too. 

Rose and thorn when it rained both got same amount of water. 

When there was moon in the sky he you should give same light on both of them. 

But the problem was as the both were born to the same family some and got same thing have the natures were different.

The rose was kind but the throne was not kind at all. 

Sometimes the thorn was jealous of the rose. He thought that the rose was so beautiful but he was not.

But the rose was never proud of it. 

When some person comes to smell the rose the thorn used tore a little part of his clothes, or may hurt his finger. 

Whenever the butterfly's came the thorn used to cut some of the part of the wings of the butterfly

 it was hard for the butterfly to fly in those ways Till they were all fixed up. 

But the rose was all opposite. 

One day, the rose asked the thorn" brother what's wrong why are you always upset and angry. "

The thorn felt that the rose maybe feel sad but he said the truth" brother I will tell you the truth but you must not be sad everyone likes you because you are beautiful 

people come to you butterfly come to you

 because you are beautiful you smell very nice and I am a thorn what can I do no one likes me because I am ugly.

The rose gave a laugh and replied" that's the reason you are afraid of so long you are very important brother if you are not there 

how will I save myself people will keep on plucking me and there will be so many

 butterflies around me and you know that I gave next to the Honey Bee but if there are too many honey bees around me 

I can die you save me that's why we are born together without you I cannot live. "

The thorn was very happy to hear all this and reply to the rose" okay then I will always be with you to protect you

 and they lived happily Ever After.... 

Moral : never to be jealous.. 

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