The Great Adventure In a Magical Forest. A Very Good And Exciting Bedtime Story .


The story is very good a exciting and who ever reads it well read it till last. The story is on to friends Mira and Sara. They find a map the map had something written on it. As they read it they reached a magical forest. Let's see what happens next. 


In a big city there lived two girls Mira and Sara. 

They were best friends. One day Mira had to go to here village were her grandma use to live. 

Her grandma had passed away 2 years ago. 

So her house was full of dust. 

Mira loved to go there as there were many things to play. 

Mira asked if Sara wanted to come. 

Sara asked her mom and she agreed. 

They reached the house. They started cleaning the house. 

Mira and Sara went in the store room. 

Will cleaning Mira found a map. "Sara! Come and see what I have found. "

Sara "looks like a map and there is something written on it. "

Both read it "The forest of magic let us come Zip and Zom "

And they disappeared. They were standing on an hill. 

"Where are we? " Asked Sara 

"I don't know I think we are in any forest. " Answered Mira 

"Was your grandma magic? "

Mira "I don't know but we have to get out of this forest ".

Sara " See in the map ".

Mira " Oh! Yes there is something written on it. If you want to go home pass the routes on the map. "

Sara: "I believe that's the only approach we should take to succeed."

They started there journey 2 hrs passed and still there were walking. They were tired. 

And at home there parents were trying to find them. 

And after a long search they thought they were playing. 

And after walking for long time Mira and Sara found a small bridge which was on a small river. 

Sara said "Nothing difficult " But as Sara stepped on the bridge a manas little as a finger a stopped her. 

"What can a man so small do to me? "

But the man had magic of fire the bridge was full trapped in fire 🔥. 

The little man then said " you have to solve my riddle whenever I drink water I will die or I don't like to drink water but whenever I eat I live but I kill everything if I grow high. What am I "

Mira and Sara started to think. 

The little man said you have only three chances. 

Sara said "an oak tree". " No" Mira said 

" Light "No now you have last chance "

Now Mira thought and thought and then answer" is it fire ".

" Yes! " said the little man you are allowed to go through my bridge. 

Mira and Sara cross the bridge. 

They will very happy. 

On the map the next route was a tree which was full of chocolates. 

They ask the little man from where they can reach the chocolate tree. 

The tiny gentleman provided directions, "Proceed straight ahead, take a right turn, and you'll encounter a path adorned with roses. Follow it, and you'll eventually reach the coveted chocolate tree."

They thank you the little man and set on the way. On there were they find a little lamb which was stuck in the stones. "

Mira said, "The poor little lamp, we must assist him."

Mira and and Sara went to the lamb and freed it. "

They we surprise that the lamp talk to them and say thank you. The lamp also ask where are they going. 

The lamp said if you are going to chocolate tree. I must say he is not sweet at all he is angry rule big old tree with a pure heart. 

But he is my best friend so you can take some of my jewels and you can give it to the chocolate tree so he will understand that it is me had sent you to the chocolate tree. 

But Mira and Sara could not see any jewels, " where are the jewels"

"Don't you know that I am jewel sheep"

The lamp shake himself and lots of Jewel came down. 

They collected the Jewel and set on their path at last they came to the rose way. 

They walked and walked and at last reached the chocolate tree they said the chocolate tree. 

" chocolate tree are stuck in this forest and to get out we need to go to the another route so can you tell which way we must we must go? "

"How can I believe you " They showed the chocolate tree the jewels and he agreed?. 

" okay then I agree to you I will tell you the part to go forward to reach the mountain of crystals to go home. But you must promise me that when you reach in the 

Crystal Mountain you will see the queen even by mistake don't tell her that I have told you the path of that mountain. "

Mira and Sara agreed but they asked " why are you telling us like that that we must not tell the Crystal Queen about you ".

"The Crystal queen is not very good and she like chocolates so much that she has cut of many of the chocolate trees she likes chocolates as much as she likes crystals. 

I will tell you the path go straight go ahead you will find the clouds of thunder they are very dangerous be careful to protect from them on the right hand side and you reach

 there you will find an umbrella which is made up of rubber pick up that and start running on that part until you reach the forest of stars but remember the stars are there

 also in day and all night and for the queen of crystals take some of my sweets she will feel nice. "

Mira and Sara thanked the chocolate tree. Took the sweets and set on their path. 

They walk and walk and walk for a long time. 

At last there able to hear the thunders. 

" okay then I think we are in the area of the thundering clouds get ready and let's start finding the umbrella ". Said Mira to Sara. 

" okay then let's get ready". They started the search for the umbrella at last the found the umbrella but there was only one little problem or a little bit big one. 

The umbrella was in the cage" how can we reach that umbrella the chocolate tree did not told us about the cage".

" there is always a way we will find one the chocolate tree will never lie to us like this it is a problem we will solve it let us think of the idea"

They thought and thought and then Mira got an idea " it's the cage right so there will be a key to which would be hidden as it is a magical forest let us try to find the key and we can take out umbrella".

" okay then I really want to go home let us start the search. "

They searched and searched everywhere. 

At last day reached a small tree and in the tree that was a hole as they did saw a small key the we show that it was the key of the cage but how to get it .key was in the hole and the hole was so small at the hand will not reach it. 

There they saw a little mouse running here and there they asked if the little mouse can give them the key. 

The mouse said he was happy to do so but he wanted the Apple which was on the tree. 

Agreed and tried to get Apple but of cause it was too high how put they reach the Apple the thought of climbing the tree but the tree was too smooth for them to climb. 

At last they got an idea they took a stick and started shaking the Apple from it the Apple came down and the mouse happy. 

The mouse give them the key. They open the cage and took the umbrella open it and started running in that thundering clouds the clouds try the best to but could not even touch them. 

They came out of that thundering area but where to go next. 

They remember the words told by the chocolate tree the stars which you can see in the morning as well as night the thought

 were where can they be? at last Sara saw the stars on the path Sara told Meera that the stars were on the path they started following the path. 

And they reached the Crystal Mountain. 

The palace of the Crystal was on the top. 

How could I reach the top. So they started walking here and then and found a button as Sara pressed the button. 

And a huge ladder came out. They started climbing it and they reached the top. 

A beautiful girl was standing. Mira And Sara asked how she was. 

She replyed "I and the Crystal princess. "

"Your Majesty we have brought some chocolates. "

Oh thank you so much my mother loved why don't you come in. You must be the Guardians Of The magic forest"

"Guardians , magic forest !what do you mean? "

They start in the Hall Of The big Palace. 
"Don't you know guardian celestia"

Mira said " yes she was my grandmother she was a Guardian I didn't know it".

The princess said "yes she was a Guardian and now you too are the Guardians Sara and Meera you will God the magic forest from now on will ever you need to come to the magic forest I am The Guardian. "

"So we are the Guardians , we both".

"Yes you are and remember when ever you come there will be a problem for you to solve. And I also think I have some friends to play with don't you want to go home now. "

"Oh !yes parents will be worried ".

The Princess replied "oh! yes your parents will be worried remember when ever you come here always remember that time there

 and here is always same so you must run to home now your parents will be worried too much. "

Then the princess used a magic wand and open the door and Meera and Sara went from that door and reach there home. 

The parents were pleased to see them. 

They asked that where have you been we was searching you for so long time we were so worried next 

time don't go to play before asking us always remember ask us and then go when ever you want to go. "

Mira answer Sara reply "yes mummy yes daddy will never go here and there without ever asking you. "

And they had a beautiful smile on the face they happy for the adventurous journey they had. 

  For more adventure stories please come on my home page. .


1) how did they reached the magical forest? 
Ans - when they wear in the house of the grandma and with cleaning in the store room they got a map on which a spell was written as they read the spell in the magical forest. 

2) which obstacles did they come upon? 
They came on little Fireman ,chocolate tree and the Crystal princess. 

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