Nobita Doraemon episode 12 read full for free

Doraemon episode 12 .

Title: Doraemon: The Mystery of the Time Capsule

Opening Scene:

[The scene opens with Nobita and Doraemon playing in the backyard of Nobita's house. Nobita is trying to catch a butterfly while Doraemon is lazily floating in the air with his Anywhere Door. Suddenly, they hear a strange noise coming from beneath the ground.]

Nobita: What was that sound, Doraemon?

Doraemon: I'm not sure, Nobita. Let's check it out!

[They both dig into the ground and discover an old, dusty time capsule buried beneath Nobita's backyard.]

Nobita: Wow! What's this, Doraemon?

Doraemon: It looks like a time capsule, Nobita. People bury these to preserve memories for future generations.

Nobita: Can we open it?

Doraemon: Of course! Let's see what treasures lie inside.


[They open the time capsule and find old photographs, letters, and a mysterious map.]

Nobita: Look at these old photographs, Doraemon! They must be from decades ago.

Doraemon: And this map seems to lead to a hidden treasure!

Nobita: A hidden treasure? That sounds exciting! Let's follow the map and find it.

Main Story:

[Nobita and Doraemon embark on an adventure following the map's clues. Along the way, they encounter various challenges, including puzzles and obstacles. They use Doraemon's gadgets to overcome these challenges and continue their journey.]

Doraemon: According to the map, the treasure should be buried somewhere in the old abandoned park.

Nobita: But the park is so dark and creepy! Are you sure we should go in there?

Doraemon: Don't worry, Nobita. With my flashlight and your courage, we'll find the treasure in no time!

[They enter the park and navigate through the overgrown bushes and eerie pathways. Eventually, they reach the spot marked on the map.]

Nobita: This must be it! We must be standing right on top of it.. The treasure should be buried here.

[Doraemon activates his Time Cloth gadget, which helps them dig faster. After a few moments of digging, they uncover a chest buried beneath the ground.]

Nobita: We found it, Doraemon! Let's crack it open and discover what lies within

[Doraemon opens the chest, and inside, they find a collection of ancient artifacts, including gold coins, jewels, and an old diary.]

Nobita: This is amazing! But what's in the diary?

[Doraemon opens the diary and starts reading aloud.]

Doraemon: "To whoever finds this treasure, I hope it brings you joy and adventure. Remember to cherish the memories of the past and create new ones for the future."

Nobita: That's beautiful. It's like a message from someone who lived long ago.

Doraemon: Indeed, Nobita. This treasure may have been hidden for years, but its message is timeless.


[As they gather the treasure and prepare to leave, they hear footsteps approaching.]

Nobita: Uh-oh, Doraemon. I think we have company.

[Doraemon activates his Small Light gadget, illuminating the area and revealing Nobita's friends, Gian, Suneo, and Shizuka.]

Gian: What are you two doing here?

Nobita: We found a treasure, Gian! Look!

[They show Gian and the others the treasure they discovered.]

Shizuka: Wow, that's incredible! Where did you find it?

Doraemon: It was hidden in a time capsule buried beneath Nobita's backyard.
They're akin to a portal into the past.They're like a window to the past.

Gian: Well, whatever it is, it's pretty cool. Can we see what's inside?

[Nobita and Doraemon share the treasures with their friends, and together, they marvel at the artifacts and read the diary.]

Closing Scene:

[As the sun sets, Nobita and his friends gather around the treasure chest, sharing stories and laughter.]

Nobita: Who would have thought a simple discovery in my backyard would lead to such an adventure?

Doraemon: Sometimes, Nobita, the greatest treasures are found in the most unexpected places.

[They all smile as they continue to explore the contents of the treasure chest, grateful for the memories they've created together.]

[The scene fades as they enjoy the warmth of friendship and the excitement of discovery.]

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